[REPOST] Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre Delegation Visits the GCSP


Both institutions are increasing their working relationship. The KAIPTC was invited to benefit the mutual collaboration between the centres, and in order to plan a roadmap for future development of the partnership.GCSP Director Ambassador Christian Dussey Acting Deputy Director, Head of the Regional Development Programme Colonel (GS) Christian Bühlmann, and Head of the Leadership, Crisis and Conflict Management Programme Carl Ungerer briefed the delegation on the GCSP’s institutional developments, while Dr Kotia and Ms Horname Noagbesenu presented the KAIPTC’s developments and future courses. The meeting took place in a convivial atmosphere and set the tone for the future of the collaboration between the centres.


[REPOST] Closing Ceremony of the Defense Attaché Orientation Course

 The PSOTC and the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP) continue mutual cooperation based on their common interest in education and training excellence in the training of military officers, diplomats and civil servants involved in defense and diplomacy. Altogether 27 participants from thirteen countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Egypt, Latvia, Macedonia, Mauritania, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina) attended the course. During the course, participants had an opportunity to develop their skills and expertise of defense officials working in a diplomatic environment (such as Defense Attachés). The Course addressed modern issues and offered an opportunity to get an insight into contemporary security and geopolitical landscape with special focus on security issues related to the Balkans. Also, participants were provided with practical training in diplomatic activities as well as other areas relevant for their future work. Course participants were honored by being lectured by current and former ambassadors, ministers, defense attachés, embassy representatives, representatives of IOs, and professors from universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as representatives of GCSP and PSOTC. At the closing ceremony participants were addressed by GCSP Representative COL GS Christian Buhlmann and PSOTC Commandant, COL dr. Jasmin Čajić who congratulated the students and used this opportunity to express their support to the current course and all similar activities whose goal is to reinforce the role of military attaches deployed around the globe.


[REPOST] PSOTC Hosted guest speakers on Defence Attaché Course at PSOTC

 The Ambassador of Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina H. E. Mr. Ivan Del Vecio accompanied by the Defence Attaché Col Marin Gregorović, the Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Paul Horowitz accompanied by the Defence Attaché Col Mark M. Karas and Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Damir Džanko took part of a Panel: “What Can/Does the Ambassador Expect from his/her Defence Attaché?”. During panel session Ambassadors shared their significant experiences with participants with an emphasis on the new role of the Defence Attaché because changes in the security environment since the end of the Cold War have made the DA’s role considerably more challenging and given him/her a key role in national defence diplomacy. The PSOTC Commandant, Colonel dr. Jasmin Čajić expressed his gratitude to the guests for their commitment what additionally contributes to preserve reputation of the PSOTC as a respected institution for training and education.



[REPOST] GCSP Hosts the 13th Edition of its Defence Attaché Orientation Course in Geneva

 Participants will discuss how to help create a secure, stable and prosperous international and regional environment, by building and maintaining trust between friendly armed forces and countries. This edition of the course focuses specifically on achieving an impact in complex environments, sharing best practices for dealing with rapid changes and for working with other national and international actors. These sessions will be balanced with discussions on participants’ daily challenges and relevant experiences, in order to share lessons learned. Participants will visit a training camp of an artillery unit here in Switzerland as part of the course activities.

The GCSP delivers similar courses around the world every year, through their Defence and Diplomacy thematic cluster. Topics are tailored for regional interests in the Western Balkans, West Africa including the Maghreb, East Africa, the Middle East, and now a new course recently launched for South and South-East Asia. Courses are held in French or English, and dev eloped through close collaboration between the GCSP and our international and local partner organisations, as well as the local attaché community.

>> Learn more about our Defence Attaché Orientation Courses


The National Defence University Delegation Visits the GCSP

The discussion took part in a very friendly atmosphere. Both parties focused on a roadmap for a future partnership. They agreed on subjects of mutual interests to collaborate in the field of education.

GCSP Director, Ambassador Christian Dussey and Colonel (GS) Christian Bühlmann, Head of the regional Development Programme, briefed the Pakistani delegation on the centre’s institutional developments, while Major General Qammar and Brigadier Asim Ali Qureshi presented the National Defence University and its courses.

Forgot to Smile [REPOST] Opening The First GCSP Orientation Course for the Defence Attachés in Colombo


The First Orientation Course for the Defence Attaché was inaugurated on 5th December, 2016 at KDU, and the Chief Guest of the opening ceremony of the course was HE Mr Heinz Walker Nerkoorn, the Ambassador of Switzerland in Sri Lanka and the event was graced by Air Marshal Kolitha Gunithilaka, the Chief of Defence Staff, Rear Admiral Jagath Ranasinghe, the Vice Chancellor of KDU and many distinguished guests. The course is held from 5th December to 9th December 2016 at the Faculty of Graduate Studies of KDU.


Opening the 10th Defence Attache Orientation Course in Amman – Video

Both brigadier general Naser Al Maihrat and myself held a short welcome message where we stressed the importance of Defence Attaches as trust builders in the current challenging context.

The DA is an instrument of trust building
This course is an important tool of trust building
You are trust builders


{mp4}Jordanian TV on DA course 2016-11-06{/mp4}.

The Jodanian TV broadcasted a small clip showing the opening ceremoniy. 



GCSP: Flyer DA course Amman

Présentation du GCSP à l’assemblée générale de l’association de la Promenthouse


Devant une assemblée attentive d’une quarantaine de persones, Christian Bühlmann a présenté le GCSP comme comme composante de la politique de sécurité suisse. La conférence a été suivie avec attention; les participants ont posé de nombreuses questions pertinentes et la discussion a pu se poursuivre pendant l’apéritif.


Quels sont les points communs entre la solidité du béton
et l’apparente fragilité du verre ?
Quels sont les points communs entre la fenêtre comme camouflage ornemental dessiné sur le toit de la Maison rose
et ces baies vitrées qui laissent entrevoir le Jura et les organisations internationales, mais aussi ces écrans géants qui ont aussi des fenêtres sur des espaces virtuels ?
Ces vitres, ces écrans accueillent le Centre de politique de sécurité de Genève, le GCSP. Et j’affirme que comme les toblerones et les fortins forment une ligne de défense terrestre contre les menaces d’hier, le GCSP forme une nouvelle ligne de défense avancée contre les menaces d’aujourd’hui et de demain.
J’argumente en trois points :
(1) Je rappelle que la ligne de défense est une composante incontournable de la défense suisse, et je montre les limites de la ligne de défense terrestre classique.
(2) Je présente ensuite les éléments du contexte actuel sur la base du nouveau projet de rapport de politique de sécurité, en montrant que les espaces s’étendent et que de nouveaux acteurs sont apparus,  et qu’ils imposent de nouvelles réponses.
(3) Je montre ensuite que la Genève internationale en général, le GCSP en particulier, représentent de nouvelles lignes de défense dans la mesure où ils permettent de persuader et inspirer, en Suisse et à l’étranger, les valeurs humanitaires et pacifiques qui caractérisent la Suisse ; de donner une promouvoir des idéaux libéraux et fédéralistes ; de montrer que dans un État qui se base sur des valeurs républicaines, le citoyen et le soldat sont des acteurs incontournables d’une gouvernance démocratique.

Le monde a changé ; il nous apparaît plus complexe.
Il nous semble moins lisible.
Nous ne pouvons plus nous baser sur des planifications de défense détaillées, il faut pouvoir réagir avec des solutions modulables. Garder le souvenir de notre passé pour inspirer le futur.
Donner la Suisse non comme modèle, mais comme exemple.
Montrer que nos valeurs pacifiques, libérales et républicaines peuvent inspirer une gouvernance efficace et démocratique.
Être attentif aux les valeurs et les modèles de pensée culturelles des autres pour pouvoir les écouter et les comprendre.
Avoir des lignes de défense dans la profondeur, qui commence par la persuasion, l’inspiration et la compréhension.
Ainsi, le GCSP représente, comme la ligne de la Promenthouse par le passé, une nouvelle ligne de défense incontournable.

Une nouvelle ligne de défense

Le centre de politique de sécurité, Genève,
composante de la politique de sécurité suisse