Trailer to a GCSP « Staff and Fellow meeting webinar » – « immersive presentations » , given on Wednesday, Dec 9th, 2020.
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Trailer to a GCSP « Staff and Fellow meeting webinar » – « immersive presentations » , given on Wednesday, Dec 9th, 2020.
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Innovative approaches to dialogue amid the « new normal » – What are the challenges for the Diplomatic Dialogue (DD) amid COVID-19? How can tools and new approaches to facilitation benefit DD 2.0 and how can we look beyond the track 1-3 models?
In the context of the 25th anniversary of the GCSP, I contributed to this event.
Trailer of my « Swiss Defence Policy » Webinar, my first experiment with video-based webinars. I presented it in May 2020.
It was interactive and successful.
TV serijal « Naša snaga »- Emisija 122
Ministarstvo Odbrane BiH
To protect your privacy, I do not embed videos on this site anymore.
Both brigadier general Naser Al Maihrat and myself held a short welcome message where we stressed the importance of Defence Attaches as trust builders in the current challenging context.
The DA is an instrument of trust building
This course is an important tool of trust building
You are trust builders
{mp4}Jordanian TV on DA course 2016-11-06{/mp4}.
The Jodanian TV broadcasted a small clip showing the opening ceremoniy.