This one week-long course is aimed at Swiss professional (regular) colonels attending the Weiterausbildungslehrgang 2 (WAL 2). GCSP provided expert training on international. The course was directed by Colonel (GS) Christian Bühlmann, Head of Diplomatic Dialogue and coordinated by Mr Thierry Randon.
The objective of the course was a transfer of knowledge. Through lectures, exercises and visits, the participants were able to broaden their understanding of international security issues. A special emphasis was put on current topics, as well as on global and regional security challenges.
The group of 18 Swiss officers, reinforced by the Finnish recipient of the 2019 Mannerheim Scholarship, also visited the Old City of Geneva and spend an evening in the historic premises of the Société Militaire de Genève, at the generous invitation of its President.
The teaching methodology included lectures and group discussions. Many presentations were given by staff members of the GCSP, GCSP Fellows and experts from the field. A visit to the ICRC Museum and a lecture on the “ICRC’s Dialogue with Arms Carriers” contributed to a better understanding of the humanitarian aspects of the International Geneva.
« This week gave me the opportunity to better understand the current global issues. I really liked to hear multiple perspectives on chosen issues! »
2019 WAL 2 participant