« Welcome to Switzerland » – ICE Breaker for the CENTROC course

The participant were introduced to Swiss institutions, Swiss History, Swiss Facts, And Swiss Geography. They also pictured their perception of Switzerland. I stressed the complexity and the stability of the Swiss system.



Commanders and Legal Advisers play a pivotal role in implementing the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), Human Rights Law (HRL) and rules governing the Use of Force in military operations. To discharge their operational tasks fully, they are increasingly required to understand the key legal principles at commanding levels and to apply them in both planning and execution. As a result, co-operation between commanders and legal advisers is also essential.
This international workshop is organised by Switzerland, in partnership with the GCSP, within the framework of the PfP Partnership Work Programme, Chapter XIII. It focuses on the current operational challenges, on case studies and practical exercises, preceded by contextual in-briefs by international experts and practitioners with operational experience.

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