[REPOST – gcsp.ch] GCSP’s 22nd European Security Course (ESC) successfully closes

The participants originated from ministries of foreign affairs, defence, interior and civil society from countries in wider Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, South and East Asia with Sri Lanka and Botswana represented for the first time.

The ceremony included remarks by GCSP Director Ambassador Christian Dussey, the Course Director Ms Anna Brach and statements by the course spokespersons.

The ESC is designed to deepen the participants’ understanding of the security policy challenges relative to Europe. The course examines European security within a regional and global context thus better assessing the interconnectedness of transnational threats and responses. The ESC places equal importance on the study of substantive issues, skills enhancement and the development of a community of security policy professionals among the participants.

We wish the graduates of the 22nd ESC 2018 continued success in their future endeavours, and look forward to our continued relationship with them through the GCSP Alumni Network and events.


[REPOST] La 72ème réunion des entrepreneurs genevois au GCSP autour du thème « Situation politico-économique des riverains de la mer Noire et perceptions russes »

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Le Conseiller d’Etat M. Pierre Maudet a souligné les efforts du GCSP au sein de la communauté internationale. Il a notamment abordé les menaces sécuritaires actuelles à Genève, en soulignant les futurs défis à venir dans les domaines de la cyber sécurité et de la protection des données. Il a notamment mentionné sa future rencontre avec le Coordinateur européen de la lutte contre le terrorisme, M. Gilles de Kerchove, présent à Genève ce soir-là.

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Notre experte et cheffe adjointe du programme Regional Perspectives, Mme Alexandra Matas a présenté les tendances géopolitiques actuelles autour de la mer Noire d’un point de vue russe. Une séance de questions-réponses interactive a été modérée par le rédacteur en chef du journal Le Monde économique, M. Thierry Dime. L’approche unique de ce thème a soulevé des réflexions critiques parmi l’audience fortement intéressée par le sujet.


[REPOST] GCSP Welcomes Diplomats from Iraq

The course covers different issues including:

  • The role, rights, and obligations of the international community
  • Migration: opportunities and security challenges
  • International migration law
  • Refugee law
  • Comparing federal and decentralized systems
  • Swiss federalism
  • Threats to human security
  • Good governance
  • The role of the judicial, executive and legislative powers
  • National dialogue, political thought and counter-narrative
  • Gender and Security
  • The role of civil society

I am impressed by the knowledge and the expertise of our Iraqi guests. During classes, they ask insightful questions, challenge the lecturers and connect the new knowledge with their previous experience. I appreciated working with them and look forward to seeing how they will contribute to foster peace, stability and security in their country.
Colonel Christian Bühlmann, Head of the Regional Perspectives Programme

The two highlights of the week for participants include a presentation on the ‘Introduction to Switzerland’ by Colonel Christian Bühlmann, and the visit of Palais Eynard. ‘Introduction to Switzerland’, presented the diplomats with Swiss food and drink products following an interactive session to learn more about Swiss culture and the history of federalism in the country.

Colonel Christian Bühlmann, Head of Regional Perspectives Programme, reflected, ‘I am impressed by the knowledge and the expertise of our Iraqi guests. During classes, they ask insightful questions, challenge the lecturers and connect the new knowledge with their previous experience. I appreciated working with them and look forward to seeing how they will contribute to foster peace, stability and security in their country.’

During the Palais Eynard visit, the course participants learned about the city of Geneva through a presentation by M. Steve Bernard, Head of the Service of External Relations. The participants also had the opportunity to meet Geneva’s Mayor Pagani and ask him questions about good governance in Geneva.