Interview – L’Express: Guerre en Ukraine : l’intenable neutralité de la Suisse

Interview par M. Paul Véronique pour l’Express (Paywall).

La collaboration militaire de la Suisse avec ses voisins, l’Union européenne et l’OTAN dont il est question dans l’article, c’est naturellement la (re)vente de munition et d’armement. La Suisse collabore avec plusieurs partenaires, par exemple dans les domaine de la protection de l’espace aérien, de l’armement et de l’instruction. Cependant, les conséquences de la récente révision de la Loi sur le matériel de guerre et la volonté de privilégier une interprétation formelle de la neutralité pourraient s’avérer préjudiciables à la poursuite de ces partenariats.



Three steps to verify your Mastodon account with WordPress.

By Seth Kenlon
(Team, Red Hat)

November 20, 2022 |

woman on laptop sitting at the window

Image by:

CC BY 3.0 US Mapbox Uncharted ERG

As users migrate away from Twitter, many wonder what the equivalent of the famous blue checkmark is on Mastodon. Ignoring debates about how anyone can be sure of anyone’s true identity online, it’s easy to verify yourself on Mastodon when you have a WordPress site.

[RAMAGE] – Openjourney : le concurrent gratuit de Midjourney sans inscription

Si vous me lisez sur cet article, j’imagine que vous êtes intéressés par ce que l’on pourrait presque vulgairement appeler l’intelligence artificielle. Attention, j’adore ce domaine et depuis la sortie de chatGPT, c’est comme si tout allait de plus en plus vite. On peut dire que chatGPT à provoqué un tsunami, on se souvient tous de notre rencontre avec l’outil. Cet effet whaou que l’on n’avait pas eu depuis bien longtemps dans la technologie  » grand public « . Mais on n’est pas ici pour parler de chatGPT d’OpenAI, on va parler d’images, les images générées par les intelligences artificielle.

The ‘hybrid warfare’ concept had been coined years earlier, but became fashionable only when it was adopted and adapted by NATO in 2014, after which academic interest suddenly sky-rocketed. Academics often adopted NATO’s understanding of the concept, took for granted its fit for Russian actions, and imported its political assumptions into the academic debate. The fashionability of the term also led to bandwagoning and thus superficial engagement with both the concept and the phenomenon it was applied to. This article outlines this process and its implications for the field of Strategic Studies.

WordPress IndieMark instructions were a standardized way for developers to look at and evaluate getting started with IndieWeb using WordPress using IndieMark as a means of benchmarking their progress.

They previously existed at Getting Started on WordPress, which has since been reworked as a more basic method for getting started with WordPress.

By using WordPress on your own domain, you are already a part of the IndieWeb. Below are some suggestions to help you get started with upgrading your WordPress site to support IndieWeb philosophies.

To get a domain and web hosting service, see:

Advanced WordPress Set up is a set of additional options and/or upgrades that extend the document Getting Started on WordPress.

As in most CMSes, there are many ways to do the same or similar things. While Getting Started on WordPress is meant for general beginners to take the quickest and easiest path to IndieWeb-ifying their personal site, there are additional and alternate options for many of the moving pieces. Many of these can be found below, roughly in the same order as on the getting started page.

Advanced users and developers are more than welcome to browse through these as well as the WordPress/Plugins page. Additional guidance for portions can potentially be found on individual wiki pages for particular pieces of functionality in the IndieWeb Examples sections for members who identify as WordPress/Examples.

In ‘Western Strategy’s Two Logics: Diverging Interpretations’, Lukas Milevski of Leiden University argues that whereas classical strategic theory encompasses two different logics – instrumentality and adversariality – and two different modes – decision-making and performance – in modern strategy these modes have been on diverging paths, with varying interpretations – game theory; operational art; and the ends, ways, means model – privileging one logic above the other. He makes the case for strategic studies returning to a balanced interpretation of strategy.Footnote8

Three hundred thirty one million, four hundred forty nine thousand, two hundred and eighty one. According to the US Census Bureau, that is total residential population of the United States as of April 1, 2020. That number is a form of data theater.

Statistics, in their original form, is the state’s science. State-istics. The original name, btw, was political arithmetic. Today, we distinguish the state’s statistics by calling them official. These are data in the oldest of senses. The Latin root of data comes from a notion of “the givens.” The state is producing statistics that are then given to the public as data. And those givens are then treated as facts.


Bibliographie de l’article « L’annexion de la Savoie par la France »

Dès le XVIème siècle, alors que la maison de Savoie commençait à s’étendre dans le Piémont, ses possessions originelles de l’Ouest des Alpes devinrent militairement vulnérables, parce que les cols qui reliaient les deux régions ne permettaient pas des mouvements de grande ampleur. Au nombre des solutions alors envisagées figuraient la neutralisation de la région. Trois siècles plus tard, en 1815, des communes sardes et françaises jouxtant la ville du bout du lac furent cédées à la Suisse par le second Traité de Paris dans le but de désenclaver Genève. En contrepartie, la Confédération devait assurer la protection du Nord de la Savoie et permettre le retrait des troupes savoyardes par le Valais. Lorsque la Savoie fut annexée par la France en 1860, la Suisse chercha sans succès à ce que le Nord de la Savoie lui soit cédé de manière à garantir la défense de Genève et de l’Est du canton de Vaud. Le problème de la neutralisation de la Savoie resta ouvert pendant la guerre de 1870 – 71 et la première guerre mondiale. En 1919, les puissances contractantes du Traité de Versailles prirent acte d’un accord entre la France et la Suisse abrogeant le droit de la Confédération d’occuper militairement la Savoie. Cet acte mit fin à la neutralisation du Faucigny et du Chablais français.

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[RAMAGE:] Karl Sharro’s two modes of “simply” explaining the Middle East

If you didn’t get it when Sharro posted his visual explanation:
maybe his verbal version will make things simpler:
Sources & resources:
The Atlantic, The Confused Person’s Guide to Middle East Conflict
Some people are neither verbal nor visual but kinesthetic — I dread to think how Sharro will explain all this simplicity to their nervous systems.