[REPOST] -General Lord David Richards at a BSCC and GCSP event

Michael A. McKay

General Sir David Richards offers profound and thoughtful remarks in an address to The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Geneva Centre for Security Policy on the “Death of Strategy” Thomas Greminger Richard Golding Christina Schori Liang Vanessa Neil Simon Cleobury Richard Arnold Liz Schmid Dr Christian Bühlmann



The consistent, high quality of our events and relevance of the topics featured at the The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce #Geneva were exemplified by the visit and address yesterday of Sir David Richards at the unique venue of Geneva Centre for Security Policy. Our members tell us that they appreciate this and that’s why we strive to put their interests first. Richard Golding Thomas Greminger Robert Dorlin Simon Cleobury Vanessa Neil Richard Arnold Liz Schmid Dr Christian Bühlmann Christina Schori Liang Chikvaidze David Yvette Stevens

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One thought on “[REPOST] -General Lord David Richards at a BSCC and GCSP event

  1. Michael A. McKay Profound, thoughtful and not “mainstream”, this describes General Sir David Richards‘ recent address to the The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce #Geneva and…

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